TIP 1 – Brush Twice a Day with Fluoride Toothpaste
It is important to brush teeth twice a day – especially at night. This is because saliva flow decreases when we are sleeping at night. Saliva is the mouth’s own cleaning and neutralising system – this means that if we don’t clean, the teeth are more at risk of decay and erosion. Make sure you use a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
Wait at least half an hour after eating/drinking something acidic or after vomiting to brush your teeth.
Here at Bright-On Bay Dental, our clinicians spend time showing you how to improve your oral health and we personalise it based on your needs. Click on this link to see some videos.
TIP 2- Reduce Sugary Foods and drinks
Have sugary foods and drinks at meal times, this limits the amount of time your mouth is at risk and helps neutralise acids.
Sugars in Foods
Sugar in food and drink can come in many different forms and they all can damage your teeth. Usually, ingredients ending in ‘ose’ are sugars e.g. glucose and fructose.
Foods that state ‘no added sugar’ does not necessarily mean the product is sugar free, it just means the manufacturer has not added any extra sugar.
The sugar on these products may be listed as ‘carbohydrates.’
For more information on how to read food labels and see the amount of hidden sugar you are consuming, check this link.
Reduce Sugary Drinks
Regular consumption of sugary drinks can not only cause tooth decay, but in the long run, it can lead to weight gain and is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes.
Try and reduce your sugary drink intake. If you still feel like a sugary drink e.g. fruit juice, sports drinks and soft drinks, we recommend you have them at meal times. Another recommendation is to dilute fruit drinks with water so that you or your children get used to craving less sugar and start substituting with water. Soft drinks can increase the risk not only of decay but erosion, try and avoid all together or have with a meal to help neutralise the acids.
TIP 3 – Reduce Snacking Between Meals
5 meals a day – breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Outside of these 5 meals, you should only have water.
Choose foods that contain lower amounts of sugar – try to reduce dried fruit as it is high in sugar and can stick to the deep pits and fissures in teeth. Some examples of good snacks include
- Cheese
- Vegetables e.g. carrot sticks, celery sticks
- Nuts
- Non-flavoured milk
TIP 4 – Drink Water Frequently
Water is a great drink not only for your bodies but our teeth because it contains fluoride. It is recommended to drink water after eating sugary and acidic foods and drinks, in between meals and after drinking tea or coffee.
TIP 5 – Chew Sugar Free Gum/Lollies
This encourages your mouth to produce more saliva which helps neutralise acids in the mouth.
TIP 6 – Regular professional dental check ups
If you have any concerns about your teeth or your child’s teeth or if you a due for a check up, please book in for exam/consultation/assessment with one of our friendly dental clinicians (02) 9538 7028.
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